Worth of bloodline: ~Men is always be very conscious about His Descendants, if we talk about daughter it’s highly sensitive and lovely relation. It’s not so easy to figure out the importance or value of descendants until you become a father or Mother . But if you are a father / Mother ,nothing could hurt you more but grieving news of a Child’s sexual Abuse. This is not only about harassment OR physical misuse it should be claimed as MURDER . ~You are not killing that poor baby but ,You are murdering a Family his/her parents and siblings , they have to survive in this brutal society. They have to face the mountains of questioning at different stages. The one who lost his/her life is at one side —-here I wanna Mention those who’s life become hell And we are not helping them in any way . But heavy heartedly I wanna say that they are just a news or new talk show for us, nothing more but a status ...
I am writing about my journey from Me to We , that how me and we all react, examine , and experience life.