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Death story of Hazrat Zakariya A.S

  Death of prophet    Zakriya (A.S)  Personality: Hazrat Zakariya(a.s) was a great fortunate pious man who was Blessed with a Baby ( Hazrat Yahya a.s ) at old age .He (a.s) has the sponsorship of Hazrat Maryam (a.s) as well .  Death:          Hazrat yahya (a.s)  was killed by Bani Israelis as ordered by their King ( long story behind discussed later) , After that    they were chasing    Hazrat Zakariya (a.s) to kill    Him , Hazrat Zakariya (a.s) run for the sake of life and He found a tree trunk in front of Him.He (a.s) hide himself into it but some of His clothes were displayed out of notch. The enemies found Him out and decided to cut the tree at that time Allah Pak told His Prophet through wahii “ don’t make any sound otherwise I will destroy the whole world and if you show patience you will be blessed and these people will be punished “. (writing in my words)    Tomb of Hazrat Zakariya a....

Who is God? Where is He?

  Who is God?where is He? Simple meaning    of God is “the creator” who created us and who created this whole universe but we have many questions about Him specially young generation.  God in different religions: The human beings    believe, that the God is only one    but different religions have different views like  *Christians    said the God is one but He is present in three forms 1.Father.    2- son.    3- Holy Spirit  *Hindus  said God is actually one but He has many forms/ categories His work    e.g  Annapurna is the Hindu Goddess of food and nourishment . *Judaism  Traditionally,they holds    YHWH, the  God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the national  god of the Israelites,    but they have 7 or more Gods. In my eye :  After reading different religions I found that the most satisfying reply of men’s questions is in one religion “ Islam”...

How to stop begging?

          ❌ Stop begging ❌   What is begging ?          Needy , poor , or disabled people start asking for money or food it’s begging but does they really need it??? Or it became a famous profitable business with zero investment  ๐Ÿคจ   In order to entice philanthropy among begging mafia donors, the organs of abducted children are being physically mutilated or mutilated with acid.    For some, blood vessels are sewn to stop the blood supply to body parts and lead disfiguration of children ๐Ÿ˜ข .  Begging in Islam: There are numerous warnings in Hadith against persistent begging. Two of them are following:  Sayyiduna Abu Sa’id Al Khudri (radiyallahu ‘anhu) says, “Some of the people of the Ansar asked something from Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), and he gave it to them. Then they again asked Him and He gave them until He had spent everything he had. He then said, “If I had anything more,...

How to earn Money online? 4 things to remind

  Halal  Heavy amount  Short time  Less investment  1-Halal/ right ways : You must choose the correct way to earn money because it will be long    lasting / prosperity. Don’t use cheap methods engaging more troubling , even while online Earning use the proper authentic websites and Earning Apps let me inform you that most of the Earning apps are fake they are working with different names just collect you data or email ( even money $ in some cases) And your data can be miss handled easily so be careful while choosing the platform you are going to work with. 2-Heavy Amount : There is no way to get instant money in online earning it takes time to build yourself    once you become a master    then you can play in dollars $. But if you have just started your online career and wishing to have a money shower then    wake up to break your dream.   collect more data/ information  Work harder to improve your content G...

How to stop Child physical Abuse?

  Worth of bloodline: ~Men is always be very conscious about His Descendants, if we talk about daughter it’s highly sensitive and lovely relation. It’s not so easy to  figure  out the importance or value of descendants until you become a father or Mother . But if you are a father / Mother ,nothing could hurt you more but  grieving news of a Child’s sexual  Abuse. This is not only about harassment OR physical misuse it should be claimed as MURDER . ~You are not killing that poor baby    but ,You are murdering a Family his/her parents and siblings , they have to survive in this brutal society. They have to face the mountains of questioning at different stages. The one who lost    his/her life is at one side    —-here I wanna Mention those who’s life become hell And    we are not helping them in any way . But heavy heartedly    I wanna say that they are just a news or new talk show for us, nothing more but a status ...

What is love? Love is Life

  LOVE IS LIFE/ HOPE? What is love ? In my eye love is the most beautiful feeling ever nothing makes you happy but the silent    feel    of “being loved by someone “ First feeling of a new born is “ Love” He feels warm hugs and kisses that will be his first adorable feeling.  And we expect the same at all ages. I heard many love quotes    and heartfelt quotes    and mostly people saying that love    doesn’t exist, that’s    a fake world ... i just wanna remind    those days when you were just few years old and your parents, elder siblings were treated you like a Royal baby that was the real    Love .secondly when you become a parent , your    outpouring love teaches you the meaning of love. Love is surely different from sex: Love is without lust, it brings you toward Adoration of Almighty Allah , it makes you devotional toward your religion it’s a key to check out the reality or purity of...

8 Oct 2005

      Deathly view ๐Ÿ˜ข don’t u remember them ?? willy  we can’t fight with death          Why do we are afraid of death as we know and believe that it will definitely happen  nothing can repel it we all have to die willi nilli . morning at 8;50;39/ 2005 A day started with heartbreaking earthquake its depth was 15km ,and about 87,300 dead,  It registered a  moment magnitude  of 7.6 Azad Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Balakot, Jammu and Kashmir were the center of the quake while its severity was also felt in Pakistan, India and neighboring countries like China and Afghanist   I still remember my school day, the red building was waving, the children, the noise of the children, the beatS of  afraid hearts, the colorless faces with the fear of death, and the voice of KALAMA '  ' LA ILLAHA ILLALLAH''